If you are a homeowner with a septic system, learn how your septic system works and get simple, everyday tips on how to properly maintain it. Or read the county-produced two-page version: A Homeowner’s Guide to Operating and Maintaining a Septic System. To see how a septic system works vs. a wastewater treatment plant, read What Happens after the Flush.

Looking for a professional? Consult our lists:

Septic System Maintenance Reimbursement for homeowners
Do you pay Westchester County sewer taxes but have a septic system? You could be entitled to reimbursement for septic system maintenance work. This applies to both residential and commercial properties. Print the brochure, complete the reimbursement checklist and reimbursement form located on the inside panel of the brochure and mail it to the Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities (WCDEF), address is located in the brochure.  If you have any questions with regards to the reimbursement, please contact WCDEF at (914) 813-5447. You also may want to view the County Sewer District Map.

Septic System Professionals
Article VIII of the Laws of Westchester County refers to Sewerage, Sewage and Refuse. Its purpose is to ensure safe drinking water and to monitor wastewater treatment systems within the county. Changes in the sanitary code protect the environment and keep our water clean.

Professionals may view amendments and notices below:

The county's Septic Management Program protects the water quality of Westchester County. Under this program, the Health Department  licenses and trains septic company workers to ensure proper work is done. Westchester County requires contractors who pump out septic systems to file reports with the county's Health Department about every septic collection they make and sewage pumping stations are required to file annual reports documenting operations. Read our brochure Septic System Contractors Require a License for more information on licensing.

Septic System Forms

Policy (As of April 4, 2023)

Septic Systems Records Request

For a copy of the full septic system records on a given property, complete this sketch request form. Fill in all of the required information on the form, without this information we cannot conduct a search; print out and email to doh-beq@WestchesterCountyNY.gov or fax to (914) 864-7341. The municipality's tax assessor and/or the building department can assist you in securing this information. Of importance are the:

    • address
    • original tax map designation of the lot (some municipalities have multiple TMD)
    • municipality
    • year the house was built
    • dates of any additions (bedrooms) to house

Remember to provide a daytime phone number so we can call you with any questions. Note: If requested records are in our archives, retrieval can take up to 10 business days. For further assistance, call (914) 864-7333.

Workmen's Compensation Instructions

• Proof of Workmen's Compensation and Disability Benefits Insurance, FORMS C-105.2 and DB-120.1 must be submitted to this department. Employers may obtain these forms from their private insurance carrier as in the past. ACORD Forms are no longer acceptable as proof of insurance.

• If insurance coverage is not required, Form CE-200 must be completed (see instructions at www.wcb.state.ny.us ) and returned to this department.

For further information, contact the Westchester County Department of Health:

Septic Repair: Laurie Hauer
Tel: (914) 864-7333

Septic System
Contractor Licensing:

Laurie Hauer
Tel: (914) 864-7333