The following are NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Nuisance Wildlife Licensed Trappers registered in Westchester County. This list is not an endorsement. The public is advised to call several trappers to "shop" for an acceptable price.

Jim Horton
(914) 712-6333

Ray Hartley
(914) 293-7593

Chuck Dyckman
(800) 696-7803

Bill Weizenecker
(914) 277-3990

Steve Feola
(914) 263-8161

Jim Dreisacker 
(800) 273-6673

Gail Hoffman
(914) 668-8166


Chris Jahner
(914) 420-4300

Tom Adams
(914) 736-0210

Robert Radomski                                                                                     
(914) 693-0337                                                                                       

Don Schaus
(914) 500-3636

Tom Herrmann
(845) 742-5284

Joseph Fortunato
(914) 490-4089